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I look forward to talking with you!

The best way to get in touch with me is via phone or email.

You can call me at (561) 951-0879. Please leave a voicemail if I do not pick up, as I am often in session.

My direct email address is I check my email multiple times throughout the day and can often respond the fastest to email inquiries. However, I cannot provide counsel or address therapy concerns via email. Email communications are limited to scheduling and general practice questions.

I will return your inquiry within 24 hours. However, inquiries sent after noon on Fridays will not be responded to until the following Monday. If you do not hear from me within 24 hours, this means something went wrong with the voicemail or email delivery. Please try again if this is the case.

We are committed to your privacy. Do not include confidential or private information regarding your health condition in this form or any other form found on this website. This form is for general questions or messages to the practitioner.

By submitting this form via this web portal, you acknowledge and accept the risks of communicating your health information via this unencrypted email and electronic messaging and wish to continue despite those risks. By clicking "Yes, I want to submit this form" you agree to hold Brighter Vision harmless for unauthorized use, disclosure, or access of your protected health information sent via this electronic means.