Online Courses

There is only one me. Therefore, I only have so many client slots available in my practice each week, and my practice sometimes gets full. When new potential clients call me and I am booked, I have to refer them to other therapists who may not have the knowledge to share that I do.

Because of this unfortunate circumstance, I decided to create Inside Therapy with Jennifer Hume.  Here, I offer pre-recorded courses for people to purchase and learn what I teach clients inside our therapy sessions.  Inside Therapy courses aren't therapy, but they provide the psychological education I teach clients in sessions.

Often for less than the cost of one session with me, you can purchase a course from my Thinkific site, and use it at your own pace for six months to one year, depending on the topic.

I am continuously writing new courses.  Check out "Courses for Purchase" at my Thinkific Page.  Note: To see the free previews, you *do* need to create an account (don't worry, I won't spam you), but you *do not *have to input credit card information unless you decide to purchase a course.